Muay Thai is a strenuous sport that requires a lot of energy and, surprise, a lot of perspiration. Good personal hygiene and etiquette are crucial to keeping our gym safe from infections. Below are steps that we request ALL members to adhere to prevent infections:
Wear deodorant. If you cannot wear deodorant due to personal/health conflicts, please shower before you train–no one wants a smelly partner.
Wash your hands or use hand sanitizers before and after training.
Cut your nails, including your toes! Not only is it bacteria's favorite place to live, but keeping your nails short will prevent injuring your partner.
Clean your gear. (gloves, shinpads, headgear) Use disinfectant wipes or spray after training.
Wash your gym garments after a workout or as soon as feasible. This includes your hand wraps!
Wear slides/slippers in the bathrooms and in the shower.
Wipe down equipment after use–this includes the weight area.
Woodenman Muay Thai takes pride in keeping the gym covid free and making your training environment safe. We took every step to guarantee that the reopening of Woodenman was completed efficiently, safely, and following the highest standards of cleanliness. We intend for you to workout confidently, knowing that all necessary precautions are being taken.
If you feel any of the following symptoms, please respect others and your teammates by staying home until they subside.
Fever or chills
Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing
Muscle or body aches
New loss of taste or smell
Sore throat
Congestion or runny nose
Nausea or vomiting
We encourage you to keep informed by visiting the CDC website and the City and County of San Francisco website.